Wednesday, October 24, 2012

IMCPL Request service

The IMCPL has the request system for the purposes of fulfilling the needs of the public library patrons.  They also offer an Interlibrary Loan system that helps requests materials that the IMCPL system does not have in their collection.  Without the request and interlibrary loan system, IMCPL would not be able to serve the people of Indianapolis fully. The patrons would not be able to receive materials that are located at other locations throughout the system.  Patrons would have to go to each location and get the items or have to wait and hope that they are able to get the item right as it is being returned.
If the request system did not exist, many patrons would not frequent the library.  They would seek other locations to obtain the materials they are seeking.  It is too hard not to have this service available for the public. The IMCPL has 22 branches in its system and it makes too big not to have this type of service.  I could understand if the library system was only a few branches not having a request system.  However, this type of library requires an extensive request system for patrons to utilize.  An extensive library system must be able to keep patrons happy and by providing an extensive request system helps provide that comfort to them. 
The request system is quite extensive and it allows patrons to request up to 50 requests on their card.  The requests that they place on items is free of charge.  However, if a patron does not pick up the item that they have requested they will be accessed a fine of $2.00 per item.  The fine is placed on the account because of the time and effort that goes into the processing of the request.  So as long as the patron picks up the requested item they will not be accessed a fine.  The request service is a valuable tool for patrons to be able to pick up materials that they wish to read, listen, or watch.
The request system of IMCPL provides the necessary materials for the patrons of Indianapolis.  Without this service in place, the library would have a tough time attracting visitors to the library.  The library even has a request system in place for E-Books. This idea was great addition because it shows the library is keeping up the technology and incorporating the request system into the e book material section of the library. This type of service is good for the library and shows that the library listens to patrons and gives them what they want.  A good library must listen to their community and try to provide excellent service to them.  If you do not provide great service to the patrons, the library will not be able to stay open and relevant in their community. 
The IMCPL provides a great service for their patrons by having a request service in place for them to use when items are not available at their home library branch.  This service sends these items to them at their home branch.  I would strongly recommend any library to provide this service to patrons.

The Indianapolis Public Library

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